Accessibility Statement
Baxi is committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience. We will endeavour to test key pages with the aim of complying with WebAIM guidelines wherever possible. Key web pages will be checked at regular intervals to ensure that they continue to be accessible.
Please note: although we endeavour to test and modify Baxi web pages for accessibility, there may be links to web pages developed by third parties that are not compliant with our standards.
Our website can be viewed on the latest common internet browsers including:
- Chrome
- Internet Explorer
- Microsoft Edge
- Android Firefox
- Safari
Having difficulty using the site?
We are always happy to hear your views on how you think the site could be better. If you are finding any area of the site difficult to use, please contact Baxi using the following contact method:
Call us on tel: 0330 678 0917
Email us via:
Our opening times are:
Monday - Friday: 8am - 6pm
Saturdays and Bank Holidays: 8:30am - 2pm
*Calls to 03 numbers will cost the same as calls to standard landline numbers, and will be included as part of any inclusive call minutes or discount schemes for geographic calls.